République tchèque

Religion in Poland


Poland remained faithful to Rome and the Latinity since Xth century. With approximately 95 % of the catholics of which 80 % of praticants, Poland is one of the rare countries in Europe where the religion occupies a great place. The catholic church diffuse the emissions in radio and television, and own a number of hospital, old people's homes and educational establishments.

The country counts 15 000 churches and vaults, often filled on Sunday. Four to five million pilgrims celebrate on 15th August each year the black Virgin in the monastery of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. Protective and holy owner of Poland, Notre-Dame-of-Czestochowa symbolizes the historical defeat inflicted to the Swedish invaders who could not cross the doors of the sanctuary. All the catholics are not assiduous practise, especially in the cities, but the faith is very widespread.

The Polish religious feeling is closely related to the Polish identity. Historically, the Poles found in the Church a support allowing them to remain plain and to resist their misfortunes. Already at the time of the "divisions" of Poland, it worked to maintain the national conscience. Under communism, whereas any form of religion was prohibited, it supported the combat of solidarity and protected the dissidents and their families. There is not a doubt that the action of the cardinal of Cracow Karol Wojtyla, the Pope Jean-Paul II, contributed to the release of the country.

The other religions in Poland add up together less than 5 % of the population. Formerly very present at the east of the country, the orthodoxe are much fewer since the recutting of the country after the Second World War. The church uniate is represented by the ukrainienne minority and the Church Lutheran by the Germans of Silesia and Sorabes. A small Moslem population, lives in the area of Bialystok, in the North-East of the country. With regard to the Jews, they are approximately 5 000 to living in Poland.

Religions represented in Poland (2012 est.)

Catholic 87.2% (includes Roman Catholic 86.9% and Greek Catholic, Armenian Catholic, and Byzantine-Slavic Catholic .3%)

Orthodox 1.3% (almost all are Polish Autocephalous Orthodox)

Protestant 0.4% (mainly Augsburg Evangelical and Pentacostal)

other 0.4% (includes Jehovah's Witness, Buddhist, Hare Krishna, Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon)

unspecified 10.8%)


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religiousfreedom.com/... - Religious freedom in Poland

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